Shops in Sakhnin
You have several collection points for Sakhnin sky
- Collecting points using shipping
- Oska Gallery Far Green 1, Paridion
- Casa Light, Arava
- , Galito Sakhnin
- Live - Edri marketing and commercial, Sakhnin
* The points may change from time to time
Sakhnin sky stores are a gem in the heart of a vibrant Arab city. Here, the mysticism of the desert meets contemporary elegance in every aroma. We pride in aromas that reflect the rich carpet of Arab culture, from the deep heat of more to the lightness of Jasmine blooming. Call into a world where tradition fits smoothly with modernity. When the city beats history and future, our collection offers a scent campaign that captures its essence. Whether you are local or travelers, to sink into the real spirit of the Arab world. Experience perfume like never.