Shop in the sky in Holon
You have several collection points in Holon
- Collecting points using shipping
- Eliyahu Krause 49, Holon
- The orgas 6, Holon
- Sokolov 70, Holon
- Lion Shankar 29, Holon
- The orgas 21, Holon
- Eilat 20, Holon
- Illegal immigrants 1, Holon
- Eilat 20, Holon
- Sokolov 131, Holon
- Prof. Shore 16, Holon
- Histadrut 143, Holon
- Golda Meir 7, Holon
- Barkat Reuben 24, Holon
- Aharonovich 40, Holon
- S. Jesse Cohen 10, Holon
* The points may change from time to time
Located in the world of the city, a shop in Holon is an aromatic paradise for odor enthusiasts. Right in the city center, we offer a variety of aromas that include urban luxury and eternal elegance. Get to know a selection that also celebrates evolving icons and trends. Navigation on the streets of the city center is beating a sensory journey with our store as a destination. With expert guidance, find the perfect scent to suit your unique pace and essence. Experienced the combination of cosmopolitan atmosphere and smell. Join us downtown, and elevate your scent at the heart of the city.